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We apologise but are currently unable to accept any unsolicited scripts.
Twitter: @inceptivefilms
Instagram: @inceptivefilms
Social Media
RT @Bulldog_Film: Gripping psychological thriller #LAPWING starring @miss_h_douglas, @EmmettScanlan & @sebdesouza is now available t…
So our 2020 award-winning, BFI short film is now available to watch online! Thanks to @omeletodrama @bfinetwork…
RT @Bulldog_Film: .@lapwingmovie signals the arrival of "confident, distinctive work" from director @actualfactor and writer…
RT @Bulldog_Film: "Stark, oppressive, menacing, a historical drama with a slice of horror." The Guardian Directed by @actualfactor…
RT @eiffindustry: #EIFF couldn't happen without our wonderful volunteers, and the deadline to apply for volunteer positions at this y…